Indonesian Army Yonif 900 Raider

Dibaca: 367 Oleh Wednesday, 17 February 2016Video

Kodam IX/Udayana is a military area command of the Indonesian Army which is responsible for the provinces of Bali, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara. It was established as part of the 1985 reorganization of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and included East Timor until that province achieved independence in 1999.

Between 1969 and 1985, Kodam XVI was responsible for Bali, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara while Kodam IX administered units in East Kalimantan.[1] As part of a broad reorganization of the TNI in 1985, the number of Kodem was reduced from sixteen to ten, with all of the Indonesian portion of Borneo (Kalimantan) coming under Kodam VI/Tanjungpura and Kodam XVI, which by this time included East Timor, being redesignated Kodam IX.[2]

In 1997, combat units included five infantry battalions, a cavalry company in East Timor, and an engineer battalion.[3] District commands included Korem 161 (HQ Kupang), Korem 162 (HQ Mataram), Korem 163 (HQ Denpasar), and Korem 164 (HQ Dili). SOF magazine reported forces in East Timor in September 1997 as ten battalions; eight rotationary, two permanent (744th and 745th Battalions), special ‘ranger-style’ companies, and Detachment 81 of Kopassus.

East Timor continued to fall within Kodam IX’s area of responsibility in 1999, with the military units in the province itself coming under the sub-regional command Korem 164/Wiradharma.[4] In July of that year Kodam IX developed plans for Operation Pull-Out (‘Operasi Cabut’) which was to be executed alongside a plan developed by the TNI Headquarters (‘Contingency Plan 1999-2000’) if the East Timorese voted for independence in the East Timor popular consultation. After this eventuated, these plans were executed in September and involved the rapid evacuation of 70,000 Indonesian administrators and soldiers and 180,000 East Timorese, which contributed to the 1999 East Timorese crisis. The plans do not prove that the TNI planned the post-referendum violence, however.[5]

After East Timor achieved independence, Kodam IX retained responsibility for Bali, East Nusa Tenggara and West Nusa Tenggara.

Battalions include Battalion 744. In 2009–2010 a new infantry brigade was formed in West Timor, the 21st Brigade (id:Brigade infanteri 21).[6] Its task appears to be control of the border between West Timor and East Timor. Relations with the East Timor Police Service on the border are cordial and informal, but appear to lack formalised discussion mechanisms for any border incidents that might arise.[7]


Batalyon Infanteri 900/Raider Kodam IX/Udayana adalah sebuah pasukan elit infanteri Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) yang sebelumnya bernama Yonif 741/SBW. Berdiri pada tanggal 17 Maret 1965, yonif ini diikutsertakan dalam pembentukan batalyon raider dan berganti nama Yonif 900/Raider Kodam IX/Udayana. Danyonif 900 Raiders Letkol Inf Umar, S.IP Dan Wadan Yonif 900 Raiders Mayor Inf Friando Karim

Dalam pelatihan pertama tercatat sebanyak 817 anggota Yonif-741 yang ambil bagian dalam pelatihan raider yang telah berlangsung selama empat bulan di kawasan hutan dan perairan Pulaki, Gilimanuk. Dari jumlah itu, 767 dinyatakan lulus dan 50 lainnya gugur karena berbagai hal, antara lain masalah kesehatan, mengalami kecelakaan saat latihan, kurang cakap dan lain-lain.


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  • Ir. Suharti, M.A., Ph.D says:

    Terimakasih informasinya, sangat membantu kami dalam mencari info, untuk bantu korban bencana dengan donasi gempa aceh semoga mereka dapat kembali beraktivitas seperti sedia kala.

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